Lecturer Resources

Welcome to California State University, Dominguez Hills! Whether you're joining us for the first time or returning as a full- or part-time "temporary faculty unit employee," your role as a Lecturer (non-tenure-track) is essential to our community. We are excited to have you as part of the TORO family and look forward to the impact you'll have on the University's continued success.

Our goal is to support and nurture the faculty community by providing a central hub for all the information you'll need regarding your employment at CSU Dominguez Hills. We hope the resources on the Faculty Affairs and Development website will be valuable to you throughout your time here. If you can't find the answers you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development at (310) 243-3766.

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate plays an active part in academic governance at CSUDH. All faculty are welcome to attend and participate in the monthly Academic Senate meetings and serve on committees.

For more information, please go online at http://aqx9.jayconscious.com/academic-senate/.

Benefit, Pay, and Salary Resources

Benefits Resources

For further information, please contact the Payroll Services and Benefits Office at (310) 243-3769 or (310) 243-3005.

Salary Payment

Academic Year (AY) Lecturers are salaried positions and receive six pay warrants for each semester assignment.

Lecturer - Academic Year (Job Code: 2358)

Lecturer - 12 month (Job Code: 2359)

Other Pay Related Resources

  • Full-Time Temporary Faculty Additional Employment (125% rule or overload): CSU/CFA CBA Article 36
  • Special Consultant (Job Code: 4660): An individual who is subject to the will and control of the University while performing special assignments of a temporary nature based on a particular knowledge, ability, or expertise. Individuals may be designated as Special Consultants only if no other appropriate CSU classification is available. Special Consultants are considered temporary employees of the University and are paid a daily salary regardless of the number of hours worked in a given day. Current CSU faculty who accepts additional employment as Special Consultants are subject to the CSU Additional Employment Policy and Unit 3 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, both of which limit total employment within the CSU to a maximum of 125% of full-time.
  • Range Elevations: Only available to Lecturer faculty. Range elevation refers to an increase in salary by movement from one range to the next, e.g., Range A to B, B to C, or C to D. If the temporary faculty unit employee is granted a range elevation than it shall be increased by at least five percent (5%) on the salary schedule. Procedures on the lecturer (temporary faculty) range elevations can be found on the Academic Affairs policy, AAPS010.001 and the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement, Articles 12.16-12.20 and 31.6.  

AAPS010.001: “Lecturers eligible for range elevation on the salary schedule shall be limited to those who have no more Service Salary Increase (SSI) eligibility in their current range, and have served five (5) years in their current range."

For further information, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development at (310) 243-3766.

Business Cards

If you would like to submit a request for CSUDH business cards, please complete the form below:

CSUDH Business Card Request Form

Note that the Provost is covering the costs for these business cards in support of our non-tenure track faculty. If you have any questions regarding this or want to inquire on the status of your request, please contact Claudia M. O'rozco at cmorozco@jayconscious.com or call the Provost's Office at 310-243-3307.

California Faculty Association (CFA) - Unit 3

The California Faculty Association (CFA) represents all faculty in the CSU, including lecturers. "You are represented by the California Faculty Association, a union of 29,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches who teach in the California State University system. In classrooms on the 23 CSU campuses. CFA members work hard to teach our students. To join, as an active member with rights to vote and engage fully on behalf of yourself and others, go to: http://www.calfac.org/join-cfa."

The CSUDH CFA Chapter is located in SAC 2119 and you may connect with the CFA Chapter leadership at http://www.calfac.org/contact-us/.

Faculty relationships with the CSU administration are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), especially Articles 12 (Appointment), 15 (Evaluation), and 32 (Benefits).

The contract is available online at Collective Bargaining Agreements & Updates | CSU (calstate.edu).

For lecturers, the CFA has a Lecturer Guide with information and resources. To contact a Dominguez Hills Lecturer Representative, please visit http://www.calfac.org/cfa-dominguez-hills/.

Faculty Awards

Faculty Awards are presented each year to a select group of CSUDH faculty members, in recognition of outstanding achievement in a variety of areas.

We encourage you to review the specific guidelines for each award that you may be eligible for at: http://aqx9.jayconscious.com/faculty-affairs/faculty-awards/.

Faculty Orientation

Part-Time Lecturer

The department and/or college oversees the faculty orientation of the part-time Lecturers. For further information and schedule, please contact your Department Chair or College Dean.

Full-Time Lecturer

The Faculty Development Center (FDC) oversees the New Faculty Orientation (NFO) of the full-time Lecturers. For further information and schedule, please contact FDC at (310) 243-3148, LIB 1940 or fdcc@jayconscious.com.

"You are represented by the California Faculty Association, a union of 29,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches who teach in the California State University system. In classrooms on the 23 CSU campuses. CFA members work hard to teach our students. To join, as an active member with rights to vote and engage fully on behalf of yourself and others, go to: http://www.calfac.org/join-cfa."

Lecturer Handbook

The Lecturer Handbook is intended for all full-and part-time temporary faculty unit employees. You will find general information on the University policy and procedures, faculty responsibilities, instructional support resources, and many other valuable sources during your employment at CSU Dominguez Hills.

We encourage you to review the handbook as-needed.

NTTF Research Development Program

The NTTF Research Development Program is a new program established in AY 2020-2021 at CSUDH that aims to support non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) who are eager to strengthen their research* portfolio, but need resources, guidance, and mentoring to get started. Strengthening research portfolios may include submission of manuscripts and other research products including competitive extramural grant proposals.

*The term research is used throughout the guidelines as a stand-in for all research, scholarly, and creative activities, and is not specific to any one discipline.
Applications to this program are only open to NTTF in all disciplines and at any stage of their career.

Visit http://aqx9.jayconscious.com/gsr/research/funding/internal-grants/.

Online Instructional Support and Other Faculty Resources

Academic Technology

The Academic Technology group at CSUDH continues to add tools, technologies, and processes for improving pedagogy via the application of media technologies and “best practices.” The Academic Technologies team collaborates with the Faculty Development Center (FDC) to support instructors in creating, designing, redesigning, or adapting courses as defined by the instructor (instructional design, Blackboard Training, online learning, distance education, Educational Technology, Academic Technology, instructional technology, online teaching).

The Academic Technology department digitizes media into an audio or video format, uploads media file to a private media server, and provides faculty with a video hyperlink, which can be shared or embedded as needed.

New CSUDH faculty who do not have prior Blackboard teaching experience are encouraged to attend introductory training at the beginning of each semester.
  • Group training sessions are scheduled each semester/session.
  • Training can be scheduled by appointment.
  • Walk-in training can take place if Instructional Technologists are available.

For assistance, contact Reza Boroon, Academic Technology Director at (310) 243-2524 or via e-mail at rboroon@jayconscious.com.

Faculty Development Center (FDC)

The Faculty Development Center provides high-quality, reliable support for using technology in the learning process. In response to the changing needs of our university, FDC provides training, information, and workshops on the latest technologies, applications, software, and hardware. The Faculty Development Center provides pedagogical best practices using technology to enhance course goals and objectives.

For assistance, contact FDC at (310) 243-3148, LIB 1940 (University Library Art Gallery, on first floor of North University Library), or fdc@jayconscious.com.

Faculty Online Teaching Checklist & Campus Resources

Key Faculty Updates, FAQs and useful links at http://aqx9.jayconscious.com/together/faculty/

Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) - Student Survey

All faculty unit employees who teach are required to participate in student course evaluations through the campus Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) process.

CSUDH utilizes a web-based system to manage these evaluations. Information gathered from student evaluations of teaching effectiveness (PTE) plays a role in assessing instructional quality and is used to support decisions related to reappointment, tenure, and promotion.

Under the CSU/CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 15.17, "Faculty unit employees have the right to submit written rebuttals to student course evaluations, as outlined in Provision 11.2, when additional context is needed or if there is concern about student bias. Evaluators are required to consider these written rebuttals when reviewing the original student course evaluations."

To learn more about the Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) policy, process, schedule, and to view a sample of the student survey form, please visit the PTE site at http://www.csudh.edu/faculty-affairs/perceived-teaching-effectiveness-pte/.

Periodic Evaluations and CSUDH/CFA COVID-19 Agreement on Lecturer Evaluations and Appointments

Temporary faculty unit employees (both full- and part-time lecturers) are subject to periodic evaluations as outlined in the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Each College is responsible for overseeing the evaluation of full-time and part-time lecturers. Your department and/or College will inform you about the department's standards, timelines, and the materials needed for review by the department chair, peer review committee (composed of tenured faculty), and the relevant administrator. Your department chair will provide the necessary information to help you prepare for the periodic lecturer evaluation. For further details or assistance, please reach out to your department chair.

Lecturers with appointments in multiple programs or departments will be evaluated by each program or department where they hold an appointment.

Lecturers Holding a (One Semester or Less) Appointment

A lecturer appointed for one semester or less shall be evaluated at the discretion of the department chair, or at the discretion of the appropriate administrator. The Lecturer may request that an evaluation be performed.

Lecturers Holding a (1-Year) Appointment

Lecturers (full-time and part-time) appointed for two (2) semesters or more, regardless of break in service, must be evaluated in accordance with the periodic evaluation procedure.

Lecturers Holding or Eligible for a (3-Year Contract) Appointment

Lecturers (full-time and part-time) holding three-year appointments shall be evaluated in the 3rd year of the appointment but may be evaluated more frequently. The evaluation shall consider the entire 3-year appointment period. The ratings are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Lecturers (full-time and part-time) who are eligible for a 3-year contract shall be evaluated in the academic year preceding the issuance of a 3-year appointment. The evaluation shall consider the entire cumulative (6-years) qualifying period for the 3-year appointment. The ratings are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

A copy of the written evaluation shall be given to the lecturer faculty being evaluated and s/he shall have ten days to respond and/or request a meeting. A copy of the evaluation shall be placed in the lecturer faculty Personnel Action File (PAF).

For further information on the periodic evaluation, please review Article 15 of the Unit 3 (CFA) Collective Bargaining Agreement.

CSUDH/CFA COVID-19 Agreement on Lecturer Evaluations and Appointments

The University and CFA have been working together to address the issue of one-year and three-year lecturer evaluations and entitlements that may have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.  To that end, the University and CFA have reached a Campus Agreement

If you should have any questions or would like further clarification, we encourage you to contact:

2020-2021 Guide for Peer Observation

For 2020-21, consideration of how COVID-19 has affected teaching is paramount. During the emergency conditions, peer teaching observations should not be the only factor used in making any long-term personnel decisions. For this reason, a guide for peer observation of online synchronous and asynchronous classes has been developed. 

For more information, please download the Guide for Peer Observation of Online Synchronous and Asynchronous Classes [PDF].

Faculty Affairs and Development: COVID-19 Information and Documents

For more information related to evaluations, please go to http://aqx9.jayconscious.com/faculty-affairs/faculty-forms-and-documents/.  

Personnel Action File (PAF)

The PAF shall be defined as "the one (1) official personnel file for employment information and information that may be relevant to personnel recommendations or personnel actions regarding a faculty unit employee." Please review Article 11.1 of the Unit 3 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Part-Time Lecturer

Each College acts as custodian for official personnel files of part-time lecturers. The Personnel Action File (PAF) are housed in the College Dean's Office. To review your personnel file and contract(s), please contact the Dean's Office.

Full-Time Lecturer

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development (FAD) acts as custodian for official personnel files of full-time faculty. To review your personnel file and contract(s), please contact FAD at (310) 243-3766, WH B-368, or facultyaffairs@jayconscious.com.

Professional Development Opportunities


The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs supports non-tenure-track faculty who conduct research, scholarship, or creative activity in their teaching discipline, and who participate in shared governance. Those who serve on university-level committees are eligible for professional development support.

This recognition is sustained by the Shen Kai Endowment. It was the desire of the donors, led by Reverend Shih Shen Kai of the Jen Chen Buddhism World Center, to establish an endowment promoting research, educational quality, and faculty excellence.

If you have any questions or need access to your PD funds, please email nttfpd@csudh.edu.

  1. Before the semester begins, visit and become familiar with the classrooms assigned to you; make sure that the equipment you need is available.
  2. Familiarize yourself with MyCSUDH - Faculty Center and Blackboard.
  3. Provide a detailed course syllabus the first class session.
  4. Review the Academic Calendar for special events and deadlines.
  5. Submit final grades due to the Registrar’s Office at the time specified in the academic calendar.
  6. Review the Lecturer Handbook so that you have a clear understanding of some of the university policies, procedures, and available resources.
  7. Attend regular Academic Senate, College, and departmental faculty meetings.
  8. Engage in meaningful conversations with colleagues inside and outside your department to  gain ideas and perspectives on your teaching.
  9. Attend workshops and other programs offered on-campus.
  10. Attend special lectures or performances of colleagues. You will learn more about your colleagues and perhaps generate ideas and/or new directions for your own work.
  11. Contact the reference specialist at the University Library to learn about the various library resources that will benefit your teaching and your students.
  12. Treat colleagues, staff, and students as you would have them to treat you; practice collegiality and civility.
  13. Maintain a professional teacher/student relationship at all times.
  14. Maintain the confidentiality of student records.
  15. Check the contents of your Personnel Action File (PAF) at least once a semester or year.
  16. Discuss with your department chair and/or college dean the periodic evaluation guidelines and schedule.

Title IX - Gender and Equity Inclusion

The Title IX Office welcomes inquiries and feedback regarding policies, procedures, and educational programs addressing and preventing sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and gender-based discrimination.

To inform the Title IX Office about discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, including sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, or stalking, you are encouraged to fill out the online form. Please visit the CSUDH Title IX Office website at http://aqx9.jayconscious.com/equity/title-ix/

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (310) 243-3492
Fax: (310) 243-3869
Email:  equity@jayconscious.com