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The Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) evaluations for all stateside courses are coordinated by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development and are administered every fall and spring semester.
How Faculty Can Monitor Participation:
Important Notes:
For Extended Education courses, please direct inquiries to the College of Continuing and Professional Education.
PTEs may be administered for stateside summer session courses based on the request of the College Dean. Faculty members teaching stateside summer courses will be notified of the PTE schedule by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.
If you should have any questions, please contact Ruby Martinez at (310) 243-3766 or via email at
For technical PTE support, please contact the I.T. Help Desk at (310) 243-2500 or via the IT Help Desk User Services portal.
January | The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development will notify the departments to submit early ending stateside course information. |
February-April | PTE Period Opens for early ending stateside courses and will be processed on a case-by-case basis. Students may access the PTE survey via the link sent to their Toro campus email address or directly via the PTE portal. |
February 14 | Student Census |
February 21 | The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development will request the Division of Information Technology to load the 15-week stateside course data to the PTE system. |
March 3 | FACULTY OPTIONAL QUESTIONS OPEN The faculty will be notified by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development via email when the Online PTE Optional Questions Form becomes available if they wish to add up to (2) questions to the PTE survey. |
March 28 | FACULTY OPTIONAL QUESTIONS CLOSE Last day for the faculty to add optional questions to the PTE survey by 11:59 p.m. PST. |
March 3-March 28 | Department Chair’s or Unit Head’s will have access to review the faculty courses to be evaluated via the Online PTE platform. |
April 14 | STUDENT COURSE EVALUATION OPEN PTE Period Opens for 15-week ending courses. Evaluations will be administered during the next 3 days. Students receive an email invitation to begin evaluating their stateside courses as well as an announcement posted on the Canvas page. Faculty will receive an automated email when the PTE surveys are distributed to the students. |
April 21-May 9 | Students will receive email reminders for each course that is still pending evaluation. Faculty can monitor the participation rate directly via the PTE portal. |
May 9 | STUDENT COURSE EVALUATION CLOSE Last day of scheduled classes. It is also the final day that the PTE evaluations for 15-week ending courses and late-start classes scheduled to end in May are due and must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. PST. |
May 22 | REPORT ACCESS The PTE results become available to the faculty, Department Chair or Unit Head, and Academic Administrators. How to access the PTE results: Go to the PTE Reports tab and select PTE Results Report. Faculty may print their PTE Result Reports for courses they taught only. We recommend faculty keep a copy of their reports for their records and if applicable for inclusion in the RTP evaluation cycle. When ready to view and print, you will need to disable the pop-up blocker. |